I may have said it before; however, I think it bares repeating- I believe that gratitude should be spelled with 2 t’s to reflect that it’s an attitude. I have this grouping by my front door as a reminder that “Attitude is Everything.”
This past week & a half Park City has hosted the Sundance film Festival. Not only was the town “hopping” with an influx of festival participants, but also a significant number of skiers were indulging in all the snow we’ve been blessed with this winter.
After listening to a local “whining” about all the people in town, I resolved to adjust my attitude to a more positive spin when I headed out the door to walk up to the post office. I realize how fortunate I am to live where other people choose to come on their vacations. Being in a high dessert, I also realize how much we need the snow to get us through the other seasons; plus, shoveling & cleaning off my car are ways to get an upper body workout without even going to the gym.
Thus, I opted to welcome everyone I met that looked like a Sundance participant. I greeted people with a smile & “Here for Sundance?” When my suspicions were confirmed, I followed up with, “Welcome & enjoy!!! In most cases the interaction left us all with smiles on our faces; especially the gentleman who was by himself & responded, “Thanks so much.”…
That “so” reminded me how I use to encourage my sons when they were dealing with what might be a challenging scenario to go “so” as they evaluated the situation. By keeping in mind that “so” is the first 2 letters of the word “so”lution, they usually re”so”lved issues & moved on. By practicing what I preached, turns out I reaped lots of benefits from my investment in a positive attitude…or should I say “so”lution…
I believe, it’s worth it- give it a try…