Be grateful for all your real-ationships. Open yourself to the lessons & gifts from each person in your life. Trust that you, too, are a gift in other people’s lives.
A friend recently gave me a new exercycle that he couldn’t use because it was too small for him. I graciously accepted it, anticipating that I would need to get rid of my stair-stepper to make room for it. While I tried to figure out what to do with my stair stepper, I juggled things around in my “office” just to get the exercyle out of the way.
I am a fan of life-long learning. That requires that my experiences serve as lessons to propel me on my journey, not chains that bind me to the past & bog me down. I take to heart what George Santayana reminds us, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
This past week-end a friend shared the following inspiration from C.S. Lewis, “You can’t go back & change the beginning, but you can start where you are & change the ending.”
Both of these quotes really seem relevant as we go through these challenging times- we need to learn from the past; however, we need to own the m”own”ment, & move on even though we may not be sure of our destination or how we’re going to get there.
Actually, I believe that if we all put into practice the following 3 R’s that stem from the Dalai Lama’s teachings the world could & would be a better place: Respect for self…Respect for others…Responsibility for all our actions- that means no finger pointing or blaming others…In turn, these make me think of the song, “Let there be peace on earth & let it begin with me”…
I have to admit how fortunate I feel to be enjoying good health during this pandemic; however, this week I did experience a case of spring fever along with cabin fever. Thus, I decided to prepare a picnic lunch & go hiking in the mountains up by the Provoo River where I rarely see anybody else.
Today, I was fortunate to go for a picnic snowshoe. When I arrived at the trailhead, I pulled out the case where I envisioned my National Parks pass would be. I flipped through the contents & didn’t see it so I resorted to pulling out things from my glove comparment, then the center compartment, the visors, and then back to the little case. As you can imagine by then I was very frustrated; especially, since I pride myself in being organized.
I’m glad to say that I’ve filed my taxes for 2019. The questionnaire that I filled out prior to meeting with the tax preparer included the above questions. I admit, I was in the mode of checking “no” so much that I almost stopped reading the questions.
Yesterday when I was preparing to leave a client’s home, I came across this notepad as I was scrounging for a piece of paper to leave a message:
I continue to reflect on this statement as I celebrate all my blessings this Thanksgiving. If you’re reading this then the odds are in your favor of being one of my blessings; then again you probably have enlightened me as well. Thus I’d like to change the “or” to “and”.
Thanks for sharing your life with me!!!!…In turn, I hope you enjoy your day creating memorable moments…