The Ferrari that got away…I was taking a scenic photo(see below) outside of Ferrari when I heard a sports car approaching…I pivoted & attempted a photo…As you can see, I missed it…
I decided to keep this photo to remind me that I won’t always succeed; however, it’s important to avoid guilt trips by at least trying. How else will I end up “try”-umphing when facing life’s challenges. Just like the British Triumph motor company ended up revamping to successfully manufacture motorcycles, I recognize that I need to make ongoing adjustments to my lifestyle to experience life fully. I like to stack the odds in my favor by practicing Life Enhancing SolutionS(LESS)- in other words, enjoy life more with LESS…
Investing in our health has to become more of a j”our”ney toward well-being & less of a guilt trip. Think about it- would you drive your car with the oil light on?…Would you put low-grade fuel in a Ferrari? Then why do we so often abuse & ignore our most precious vehicle- our body. Hopefully, once you recognize that your body is the vehicle through which you experience the gift of life, self-care will become more of a priority.
The most efficient, effective people take time to rest, reflect, replenish, recharge, & re-energize themselves. Re-energizing physically includes sufficient sleep, nutrition, & exercise; energizing mentally & emotionally can include lifelong learning & development, along with healthy relationships; energizing spiritually can look like meditation, prayer, journaling, & communing with nature.
Self care is perhaps the smartest investment we can make……Strive to live regret free…