Reap what you sow…

Currently the pastor at the Park City Community Church is doing a sermon series on the The Peace Prayer which is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. This past week the message centered on “where there is hatred, let me sow love…” To reap is “to gather a crop” and to sow, “to plant seeds.” Often sowing is used as a metaphor for one’s actions and reaping for the results of those actions. in other words. it reflects how life is made up of choices and consequences.

I grew up in a household where hate was one of those 4-letter words which could get us in trouble if we said it; especially, if it was directed at a person. I have forgotten what it was that my sister had done and/or said to upset me; however, I used the “H” word…She might have said it as well. Anyway, our mother heard us & soon we found ourselves biting a bar of soap. It was definitely not bubblegum flavored; however, we did find ourselves blowing bubbles.

During my youth, washing out the mouth with soap functioned both as a symbolic “cleansing” following the infraction and as a deterrent, due to the foul after taste. Even now at 69, I find myself trying to steer away from ever using the 4-letter “H” word. Nonetheless, recognizing that “actions speak louder than words” I first strive to put myself in the other person’s “shoes” so that my actions will be rooted in kindness & compassion. I hope that my crop reflects this as I seek to live fully….How about you?
